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The Gift of Tears

“You’re blessed when the tears flow freely”

Jesus, in Luke 6:21, The Msg

“Until you have cried, you don’t know God”

Ephrem, 4th century theologian from the region of modern day Turkey

I wonder…

Can tears be a means of reflecting the heart of God?

Are they a gift to be shared?

Could they be one of God’s provisions to carry us through dark suffering?

How might tears be an explicit way of being with God?

How do tears transform sorrow into joy?

Seriously, I’d love to hear from you.  What hidden rewards have you discovered in tears?

This Post Has One Comment

  1. tyeager

    I have found the hidden beauty of intimacy with the lover of my soul on the other side of tears. In those times of deep suffering — where tears flow from profound pain and brokenness — through tear soaked eyes, and a tear stained face — I find the beauty of surrender. It is in that place I can hand my heart to the One who loves extravagantly; then grab His hand, and rise to my feet.

    Tears have a way of guiding us as we embrace pain we would rather deny. It is in that river of tears we find true freedom. A liberty that prepares us to embrace His love, hope, and joy — genuinely.
    Tami Yeager

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