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Do I treasure . . .?

  Do I treasure loving God and loving others above all else? Do I do everything I can to not shine the light on another’s flaws and mistakes?  Do I intentionally protect and preserve their dignity? Does my love cover a multitude of sin?  Do I persist in loving, even when it’s messy and hard? Not always.  But better this year than last, as I make efforts to  cultivate this habit. The big deal isn’t that we persist in loving others better. If we are people who want to grow  strong and mature in our faith, this is a given. The big deal is the surprising serendipity that occurs  IN us as we persist.   Communion with God grows sweeter. Our eyes see more clearly. We remember that God’s love and favor cannot be earned or sold.  It simply is. Experiential grace sparks reconciliation within, and without.  As we accept the light and dark places in ourselves,  pride slithers back into it’s ugly hole, and we discover new freedom to  better love, accept, and forgive others. It’s a treasure worth holding close forever.