My last blog post describes a recent encounter I had with God.  A picture emerged with a whisper:  “I’m blowing away the dust of death.”

A friend of mine, Paul Young, has a signature saying, “Life is bigger than death.”  These are hope-filled comfort words.   When I long for Nathan’s hug, and miss loved ones who have left this world, I nestle into this truth.  I asked Paul to expand on the idea.  He graciously offers some keys to more fully comprehend the greatest gift God has given each of us.  The gift of LIFE:

1. Life is a Person, death is not.

2. Because Life is a Person, there is relationship. Another way to describe death is the diminishment or cessation of relationship.

3. Life exists without any reference to death, but death cannot ‘seem to exist’ except in reference to Life.

4. Out of Life emerges all of creation, death has created nothing.

5. Life is pro-creative and co-creative, death is sterile.

6. Human beings introduced death (un-created Life); it does not originate in God.

7. Jesus, who is Life, defeated death and did so as a human being.

8. Death can be un-done and swallowed up.  Life can only be lied about.

9. Life continues after ‘death’.

10. Death will ultimately be eradicated; Life promised!