Fast From Negativity


Why do we feed on toxic thoughts that defile and draw us away from loving ourselves and others well? Why do we allow merciless devaluations, heavy grudges, and persistent worry, to steal our strength?  What might happen if we agree together to silence the inner critic and the strange voices from another world that shame us with accusations, doing violence to our soul?

The greatest gift we have been given is the gift of choice. Our thoughts are our domain.

I’ve chosen to declare a fast from negativity in 2015.  Will you join me?  I’d love to hear how this is plays out in your life in the comment section below.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. William Lloyd

    I agree with your thinking.This thought process applies to the principle of Happiness. Too often negative thoughts rob us our joy and well-being.

  2. Tania Díaz

    Estoy de acuerdo también. Me enriquece mucho leer sus palabras.

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