Parable of the Snowstorm


Suddenly winter smashes in on us. Out of the blue, Portland, Oregon is consumed in a bitter fury of snow and ice. Ripping winds freeze tears on cheeks and pipes in homes.  It’s too crazy cold to do anything. Traffic stops. Stores close. Schools cancel. Regular routines grind to a halt.

The rapid decent of this arctic freeze speaks to me of life’s harsh blows. Sudden unexpected wounds. The deep hurts that stop us dead in our tracks and oppress and numb.  Like the loss of our teenage son a few years ago.  Abrupt irreversible devastation.

There are many kinds of cruel winter storms. . . Like life-altering injuries.  Invasive surgeries. Wayward kids. Dashed hopes.  Painful rejections. Scorching words. Unwanted change. Failed dreams.  Painful losses mar and scar.  Our hearts freeze up and feelings ice over.  For days. . . for weeks. . .for years.

BUT….violent storms can also be a place where we discover the invincible fire of the Spirit within us.  The  living flame of Love who isn’t remotely daunted by the brutish pandemonium in this world.  The Eternal One who bids us to draw near and be warmed by unconditional affection. The One who is especially fond of us, and who tenderly whispers to plundered hearts.

I am the God who renews and restores.

Will you trust me?

The glow of that warm word thawed my heart a few years ago, and come to think of it,  just last week.  The situations were different.  The flash freeze inside was the same.

But, the whisper lives on, accomplishing good.

I stumbled upon this reminder today, “And this word (of God) continues to work in you who believe.” (Thes. 2:13, nkjv)  That seemingly small, four letter word “work” is packed with a picture of explosive energy that produces powerful results.

Have you ever experienced the unleashed energy of winter’s fury?

Those times when blizzardy gusts of chaos blast you in the face, and blind you like a white out.  Those moments when nothing seems recognizable.  You’re not sure which end is up, or which way is north.  You’re so buried under heavy drifts of relentless demands and unyielding pressures, you wonder, “Will I survive?”

Been there.

OK.  I get it.  If that’s you, I suggest you find a quiet place.  (Busy mom’s give yourself permission to hide in the bathroom and lock the door if it’s your best option!)

Turn down the ambient noise.  .  . (Earplugs and noise cancelling headphones can be very good friends.)

Now breath, and agree with the Spirit who lives within.  Say it out loud:

 You are the God who restores and renews.  I choose to trust You.

Do it again. Own it. It’s a powerful way to break the freeze and blow oxygen on hope’s fire.   Keep fanning those flames.

I sense the whisper working good.

A warming trend is on the way.  In you.

 “All fear is but the notion that God’s love ends.” 

Ann Voskamp

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Jessie Vredevelt Schultz

    You are tender power!

  2. Dee Fahey

    Sometimes its hard to turn down the noise to hear The voice. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. katherine

    So much of our life’s journey comes down to "trust".

    1. pam

      Yes! Interesting how trust begins and ends with a "t" ….the shape of the cross. It reminds me Who trusted most

  4. Mel Olson

    Thanks Pam for listening to the voice of the Spirit. I really like your Blogs!!

  5. Cynthia Wall

    Oh, my dear friend…
    Spirit Food.
    Word Art.
    My favorite combination of both powerful imagery that emotionally connects us and then gives us a practical, powerful, spiritual "To Do"!
    You are an inspiring example of a radiant woman who is "…filled with the Spirit of God, with skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all the craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs… " (Ex 35:31-33) "…for (His) glory and for beauty." (Ex 28:2)
    This is the time and I am so very proud of you! Keep on Thess 2:13!
    Love you so…

  6. Patty Wilcox

    Pam you speak of my kindred heart…thank you.
    Those of us that have survived flash freeze life moments know well this warm glow: and to know where to hunker down…in His arms. <3

  7. Susan Nelson

    Beautiful, Pam! Renewed hope as a daily reminder is a must for me. Thank you…I passed it along to my twitter, google and Linkedin friends:)

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