Mom’s Mystery on Heaven’s Doorstep

I didn’t set out to write my first blog entry January 24th.

It just happened to be the day the site was up.

It’s also a day when my sites are up towards heaven. January 24th is when my mom recently left this world and experienced her final awakening. She’s on to better things than you and I can imagine in our wildest dreams.

Birthing a loved one into eternity is fraught with wonder and mystery. I had a front row seat watching the unexplainable the day mom passed over.

During her final week with us, I noticed Mom frequently re-position the Mickey Mouse watch on her arm. For over 30 years that favorite time-teller traveled the world with her. Even though she had the resources to wear something fancy, Mom stuck with Micky.  His big hands pointing to the large numbers made reading easy for tired eyes.

Every morning, without fail, Mom wound her watch nine times to keep it from skipping a beat. Multiple leather bands kept Mickey stylish through the years.

No real wonder in this part of the story. The mystery is in what comes next.

Excerpt from my journal entry, January 24th: 

Mom lies peaceful, eyes closed, and unresponsive all day. Her home-going is near.

Surrounding her bed the family attempts to sing her requested favorite, the Battle Hymn of the Republic. Bumbling through our tears, we choke out the song:

“Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored. He hath loosed his faithful lightning like a terrible swift source, His truth is marching on.

 “Glory, glory hallelujah….

Suddenly, in the middle of the chorus, Mom’s eyes bolt open-wide like saucers.  

Every ounce of strength in her tired body rallies, fixated on something above her. Something beyond. We don’t know what she sees. But whatever it is keeps her spell bound through several deep breaths. A split second later she closes her eyes tightly, and is gone.

I’m awestruck. Confused.

Looking to my sister Kelly, a medical brainyack and former critical care nurse, I ask the obvious:

“Have you ever seen anything like that before?”

“I’ve seen many people pass, but nothing like that….”

In keeping with her expertise, she checks the clock and announces, “Time of death is 3:44.”

Meagan, the hospice nurse arrives and takes Mom’s vitals. Turning to the family she confirms mom’s passing, “Time of death is 4:12.”

 Kelly clarifies, “Mom passed at 3:44 pm.”

Meagan nods in agreement, logs the time, and signs the official papers.

We remove Mom’s jewelry, place it on her dresser, and do what we can to comfort one another through the necessary endings of the day….. 

 “A thing is not necessarily against reason 

because it happens to be above it.”

…..It’s 10 pm now. We are weary to the bone, longing for sleep to eclipse our sadness.

Dad hands Mom’s watch to Kelly along with his wishes: “I’d like you to take Mom’s Mickey Mouse watch home to Rachael. I think she’ll like it.” Wiping tears from her cheeks she receives it with gratitude.

This is where it get’s good.

Suddenly, Kelly’s jaw drops and her eyes nearly pop out of her head. Stunned surprise lights up her face.  

“Oh my stars! You’re not gonna believe it!, she exclaims, “Look at this!”

Turning the watch towards us, we marvel at what we see.

Mickey’s hands are pointing to 3:44 pm.

It stopped keeping time the precise minute Mom left this world for the next!

I call it a mystery on heaven’s doorstep.

                                   “Where, except in the present, can the eternal be met?”

C.S. Lewis

Feel welcome to contact me here for more compassionate guidance, enlightening advice, and healing wisdom.

Also, check out my social media posts for more uplifting posts, upcoming events, and encouraging images. I am active and involved on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. John

    Great Blog Pam. Your first one, but only the beginning of many more impactful stories, testimonies and insights that will thrill us, move us deeply, and motivate us to loving and growing.

  2. Sue Detweiler

    Wow! God has a beautiful way of making our lives a parable! Today is a significant day! I join you today in setting my gaze to eternity. Well-done my friend!

  3. Jennifer Barbour

    Amazing. This story just gave me chills. God works in wonderful ways.

  4. Jane Carter

    I remember you sharing this in church last year. So ridiculous you know it’s got God’s touch on it. Love it when God does these outrageous things for us so we don’t miss it. 🙂

  5. Marilyn Hume

    Great story, Pam. Thanks for sharing. I am sure your new blog will do wonderfully! You have such a gift at story telling, and much to share.

  6. Jean-Pierre Garau

    Lovely. Of course I enjoyed, was encouraged and even thrilled by the bolt upright before passing moment and the Mickey Mouse watch’s stop time.

    My dad passed away this past Friday, August 23 – same day and close to the same time as another friend. It, too, was their time. Perhaps I’ll share this story with you someday.

    Ciao for now and hi to John. >^..^<

    • Jean-Pierre Garau
  7. Alia G. Escalante

    Oh Pam, what a beautiful and tender memory. I felt like I was right there in the room with you. There are many "mysteries" God throws are way. Little ways He lets us know He is there…right there. Thank you for sharing your gift with us all. I look forward with great anticipation to reading as your blog expands. -Alia

  8. Shirley Geisler

    What a beautiful, amazing story. And what a treasure for you and your family to have had that special moment with your mother. When my mom passed away, I was there too. She was so peaceful. I leaned over and looked into her beautiful eyes, that had been clouded with dementia, but now looked like they were seeing SO clearly. I whispered, "It’s okay, Mama. We’ll be okay. You can go Home to Jesus." She breathed out her last breath and was gone. Beautiful! I was reminded of how when we’re born we breathe in our first breath, much like when God breathed into Adam at Creation! And when we pass on, we breathe our last … on Earth!

    I look forward to reading more of what you have to share! Thank you

  9. Cathe Wiese

    Thank you for sharing that tender moment Pam. My mother passed away 9 years ago this month and yet, it seems just like yesterday. I miss her so much, but it gives me comfort to remember that a day is as a thousand years in Heaven…so basically she just arrived in heaven a minute ago.

    When my mother passed away, it was a beautiful moment too. I will never forget her waiting to pray for and say goodbye to everyone on her list before she would go. The last thing she said to me was, "Ok, I think that’s everyone, I’m ready to see Jesus." she went to sleep that night and never woke up.

    I have always appreciated your writings Pam. I’m so happy that you connected me with your blog. Keep up the blessing of others!
    Love ya,
    Cathe Wiese

  10. Nikki Miller

    Beautiful… Thank you

  11. Terry Whalin


    What a remarkable story of God’s timing and affirmation. Thank you for writing it. Keep up the good work on your blog.

  12. Patti Carlson

    Beautiful story, thank you for sharing it with us.

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